Monday, October 22, 2012

Lesson Synopsis 10/21/12

Temporal and Spiritual Blessings from the Word of Wisdom
from the life of George Albert Smith

Obedience to the Word of Wisdom brings not only physical health but spiritual blessings as well.  In the book of Daniel, we learn because of his obedience to the Lord's law of health in his day, not only was his life preserved, but Daniel also received a great spiritual blessing: "the inspiration of the Almighty."

The Word of Wisdom is loving counsel from our Father, who knows all things.  We are given the counsel "not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation for the temporal salvation of all saints in tthe last days."  It was "Given for a principle with promise...for the weakest among us."

Heavenly Father said, "My son, these things are not good for you, and if you will avoid them I will give ou the companionship of my Holy Spirit and joy while you live in the world and in the end eternal life."

President Smith believed the Word of Wisdom was given to us not just to increase our health, "but that our faith might be strengthened, that our testimony of the divinity of the mission of our Lord and Master might be increased, that thereby we might be better prepared to return to His presence when our labor here is complete."  He rewards those who serve Him.  "He has given certain rules and regulations to govern us in this life, and obedience to His requirements insures us His pleasure, and the blessings promised will follow.  If we violate the will of the Lord, our faith will wane, for the Spirit will not always strive with us.  Observance of the Word of Wisdom will increase our faith and greater knowldege will be ours as a result.

By obeying the Word of Wisdom, we prepare for eternal life.  By taking forbidden things into our bodies, we defile the temple of the spirit.  When we "give way to weakness of the flesh, we deprive ourselves of opportunities that await us in the future, and cut ourselves off from the blessings that the Lord hath in store for the faithful."

The best way to teach our families to obey the Word of Wisdom is to obey it ourselves.  Read the Word of Wisdom in the presence of your families and set the example.