August 19, 2012
Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith
Chapter 15, pg. 157
Church membership has grown from six members to over 14 million.
President George Albert Smith believed new technologies would further
the Lord's work with aviation allowing travel assignments to be more
easily fulfilled, and radio and television allowing a greater audience
to hear God's word. Today we have satellites making dissemination of
church news, messages, and conferences available worldwide. President
Smith believed these inventions were blessings from the Lord if used in
There is ample opportunity for every member to participate in the work
of the Lord. It is the responsibility of each church member to promote
the work of the Lord. President Smith said, "I must carry that part of
the load that the Lord places upon me, and if I shirk, then I realize
that I forfeit the blessing that would come to me by obedience to the commandments of our Father. It is a slothful servant who waits until
he is commanded in all things." (D&C 58: 26, 27). Many who hold
positions in the Church believe that once they carry out their special
obligation, their work is done. We are expected to conduct ourselves
each day as Latter-day Saints in the broadest meaning and act as
servants of the Lord in every deed. Those who fail to keep covenants
lose the Spirit of the Lord, and then begin to wonder what will become
of Zion. "Whenever you are doing your full duty, you will know, as you
know that you live,
that it is our Father's work, and that he will bring it off
Opposition will not stop the progress of the Church because it is the
work of God, not of man. The Church has had much opposition, but it
continues to gather choice spirits who have lived in such a way that
they could comprehend the truth. This is God's work. Heavenly Father
is ready to pour out His blessings on us today.
God adjusts conditions in the world so that His work can spread
throughout the earth. the message of the latter days shall be heard.
By the power of His might He will level the conditions of this world and
humble the children of men until they are repentant and willing to
listen to the truths that He requires us to teach in the world. Zion
will rise and shine, and will become the glory of the whole earth, the
Lord God of Israel has so decreed.