November 6, 2011
Lesson: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Chapter 44, page 257
Jesus remained on the earth forty days after His resurrection. His work was completed, and he returned to our Heavenly Father until the time of his second coming. Followers of Christ have looked forward to His return since that time. He will do certain things when He returns in power and great glory. They include:
The wicked will be cleansed from the earth. They will be destroyed and all things that are corrupt will be burned. The earth will be cleansed by fire.
He will judge the nations and will divide the righteous from the wicked (Matthew 25:31-46). There will be no death. All things will be revealed.
He will usher in the Millennium, one thousand years when Christ will reign. The righteous will be caught up to meet Jesus at His coming (D&C 88:96). Temples will be built, and saving ordinances for the dead will be performed. We will have revelations knowing our forefathers clear back to Father Adam and Mother Eve, and officiate for them in the temple. Children will be sealed to parents until the chain is perfect back to Adam, so that there will be a perfect chain of Priesthood from Adam.
Christ will complete the First Resurrection: Those who have obtained the privilege of coming forth in the resurrection of the just will rise from their graves. They will be caught up to meet the Savior as He comes down from heaven (D&C 88:97-98; Matthew 27: 52-53; D&C 76:50-70). They will inherit the celestial kingdom. After the resurrection of those who will inherit celestial glory, another group will be resurrected: those who will receive a terrestrial glory, completing the First Resurrection.
The wicked who are living at the time of the Second Coming of the Lord will be destroyed in the flesh. They, along with the wicked who previously died will have to wait until the last resurrection. The remaining dead will rise to meed God. They will either inherit the Telestial kingdom or be cast into outer darkness with Satan (D&C 76: 32-33, 81-112).
Christ will take His rightful place as King of heaven and earth. He will establish His government on the earth with the Church as a part of that kingdom. He will rule for 1000 years. At his Second Coming, all will know that Jesus is the Christ (D&C 88:104, Revelation 17:14, Isaiah 9:6).
No one knows the exact time of the Savior's coming. Therefore, we should now prepare to meed God. We should live each day the best we can, look to the prophet for guidance and follow his counsel, and live worthy to have the Holy Ghost guide us.
Suggested reading concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ: Jesus the Christ, by James E. Talmage.