Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Come Unto Him

Here is a link to the movie that we showed last night at the Christmas Program.  The movie that was shown is "Come Unto Him".
Canning Basics
There are two types of food, categorized as low-acid (vegetables, meat, poultry, and seafood) and high-acid (fruits and tomatoes). Both can successfully be canned by pressure canning. However, pressure canning is the only method recommended safe for canning low-acid foods.

Before you begin . . .
    Prior to canning, pressure canners should be thoroughly examined and tested at the county extension office or with the manufacturer to ensure their proper operation.
    Assemble all ingredients and supplies needed for your canning project.
    Selecting Jars
Glass canning jars are made of heat-tempered glass for durability and reuse. These are the only jars recommended for safe home canning.
Always use the jar size and exact processing time and pressure indicated in the recipe.
To help prevent jar breakage, allow jars to stand in very hot water prior to canning. A dishwasher may also be used.
Using Bands and Lids
The two-piece home canning vacuum cap (lid and band) is the recommended closure for home canning. It consists of a flat metal lid with a rubber-like seal on the underside and a threaded metal screw band that secures the lid during processing. The bands can be used repeatedly if they remain in good condition, however, new lids must be used each time.
Measuring Headspace
All recipes will indicate the amount of headspace necessary for the food being canned. Headspace is the air space between the top of the food or its liquid and the lid. Leaving too much headspace can result in under processing because it may take too long to release the air from the jar. Darkening of the food at the top of the jar is also likely, however, this is not a sign of spoilage. Leaving too little headspace will trap food between the jar and the lid and may result in an inadequate seal. As a general rule, allow ½ inch headspace for fruits and tomatoes and 1 inch for all vegetables, meat, poultry and seafood.
Removing Air Bubbles
After food has been packed in jars, remove air bubbles that are trapped between pieces of food with a clean, nonmetallic spatula. Wipe sealing surface with a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue. Apply lid. Place a band over the lid and screw onto the jar just until resistance is met.
Storing Canned Food
Test the seals before storing
After 12 to 24 hours, remove bands and wipe off any food residue from bands and jars.
Store canned food in a cool, dark, and dry place.
Always date and label jars before storing.
Detecting Spillage
broken seal, gassiness when opening, mold, sliminess, cloudiness, or unpleasant odors.
If any of these signs are present, discard the food.
As a safeguard, you may boil the food before use.
(Power Point created using information from
Canning Beans
Fill jars with 1 1/8 cups of beans.
Fill with water leaving 1” headspace.
Put on lids and rings.
Turn canner on high until steam is coming out of vent pipe. Then let it “hiss” for (7-10 minutes)
Put weight on at 11-13 lbs of pressure (check altitude) for 90 minutes.
You'll have to turn down the heat slowly to get it down to the correct pressure.
Turn off heat and let pressure come all the way to 0.
Remove beans from canner and let sit.
YouTube-Canning Boneless Chicken Breasts
Ball Blue Book of Preserving

Monday, December 5, 2011

Daughter in My Kingdom

If you have not received your copy of this wonderful book, please let a member of the Relief Society Presidency know.  Also, check out this new part on the church website devoted to book.  It can be a great tool for you and your family.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Christmas Dinner

Please join us for our Relief Society Christmas dinner and program.  We will be serving a traditional type Christmas dinner followed by a special program to get our hearts in tune with the true Christmas spirit.  

Please note the date change.  We will be holding our dinner on Tuesday, December 6 @ 6:30 PM.

Craft and Chat

Introducing a fun new activity.  We are going to start meeting to chat and work on our own crafts.  A quilt will be up for anyone wanting to work on that.  Otherwise, bring some of your unfinished projects or just come to chat.  No food will be provided but if you want to bring a snack to share, feel free to do so.  Come for the whole time or just drop by as your schedule allows.  Our first date will be on Saturday, December 3 at 9-12.  We will be meeting in the Relief Society room.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Relief Society Lesson November 6, 2011

November 6, 2011
Lesson:  The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Chapter 44, page 257

Jesus remained on the earth forty days after His resurrection.  His work was completed, and he returned to our Heavenly Father until the time of his second coming.  Followers of Christ have looked forward to His return since that time.  He will do certain things when He returns in power and great glory.  They include:

The wicked will be cleansed from the earth.  They will be destroyed and all things that are corrupt will be burned.  The earth will be cleansed by fire.

He will judge the nations and will divide the righteous from the wicked (Matthew 25:31-46).  There will be no death.  All things will be revealed.

He will usher in the Millennium, one thousand years when Christ will reign.  The righteous will be caught up to meet Jesus at His coming (D&C 88:96).  Temples will be built, and saving ordinances for the dead will be performed.  We will have revelations knowing our forefathers clear back to Father Adam and Mother Eve, and officiate for them in the temple.  Children will be sealed to parents until the chain is perfect back to Adam, so that there will be a perfect chain of Priesthood from Adam.

Christ will complete the First Resurrection:  Those who have obtained the privilege of coming forth in the resurrection of the just will rise from their graves.  They will be caught up to meet the Savior as He comes down from heaven (D&C 88:97-98; Matthew 27: 52-53; D&C 76:50-70).  They will inherit the celestial kingdom.  After the resurrection of those who will inherit celestial glory, another group will be resurrected: those who will receive a terrestrial glory, completing the First Resurrection.

The wicked who are living at the time of the Second Coming of the Lord will be destroyed in the flesh.  They, along with the wicked who previously died will have to wait until the last resurrection.  The remaining dead will rise to meed God.  They will either inherit the Telestial kingdom or be cast into outer darkness with Satan (D&C 76: 32-33, 81-112).

Christ will take His rightful place as King of heaven and earth.  He will establish His government on the earth with the Church as a part of that kingdom.  He will rule for 1000 years.  At his Second Coming, all will know that Jesus is the Christ (D&C 88:104, Revelation 17:14, Isaiah 9:6).

No one knows the exact time of the Savior's coming.  Therefore, we should now prepare to meed God.  We should live each day the best we can, look to the prophet for guidance and follow his counsel, and live worthy to have the Holy Ghost guide us.

Suggested reading concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ: Jesus the Christ, by James E. Talmage.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Announcements November 5, 2011

DI Drive October 26-November 9:  DI will have a donation pod located at the Stake Center.  Please support DI with your donations.  They need your help in preparation for the Holiday shopping season.

Stake choir practice every Sunday night until Stake Conference: 7PM

Stake Conference: November 12 &13.  Session on Nov. 12 will be held at the Stake Center at 7 PM.  General session on Nov 13 will be held at the Stake Center and broadcast to the Marana Building at 10 AM.

Monthly Relief Society Meeting: Tuesday, November 15th at 6:30 PM
Meet at the church at 6:30 to assemble baskets and then we will be delivering the fruit baskets.  Nursery and light refreshments will be provided.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Relief Society Lesson October 9,2011

Pg. 245

Jacob was a great prophet.  Due to his faithfullness, he was given the name of Israel, which means "one who prevails with God,", or, "let God prevail."  Jacob was a grandson of Abraham.  The Lord's covenant with Abraham was renewed with Isaac and with Jacob and his children.  God promised that the Israelites would be His covenant people as long as they would obey His commandments.  They would be a blessing to all the nations of the world by taking them the gospel and the priesthood.  Thus, they would keep their covenant with the Lord and He would keep His covenant with them.

The house of Israel was split into two kingdoms.  They failed to keep the commandments.  Ten of the twelve tribes lived in the Northern Kingdom and two tribes lived in the Southern Kingdom.  Both were eventually conquered and the tribes were taken captive.  The Southern Kingdom was conquered and the city of Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 B.C.  This is the time when Lehi and his family came to the American continent.  Jerusalem was again destroyed after the time of Christ.  The covenant people were scattered throughout the world.

The Lord promised that His people would again be gathered.  As people come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, receive the ordinances of salvation and keep the covenants, they become the children of the covenant.  God has important reasons for gathering His children.  He gathers them so they can learn the teachings of the gospel and prepare themselves to meet the Savior when He comes again.  He gathers them so they will build temples, perform sacred ordinances for ancestors, strengthen one another and be unified in the gospel, and to prepare themselves to share the gospel with others.

Joseph Smith was given the authority to direct the work of gathering the house of Israel by the prophet Moses.  Each subsequent prophet has received "the spirit of gathering."  The physical gathering was initially to gather in Ohio, then Missouri, and then to the Salt Lake Valley.  Today the place of gathering is in the homeland of each saint.  The physical gathering of Israel will not be complete until the Second Coming of the Savior and on into the Millennium.  Then the Lord's promise will be fulfilled.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Relief Society Meeting-October

Just a reminder
Relief Society Meeting October 18th 2011
At 6:30 p.m(Nursery Provided)
Learning ALL about CANNING
*Water Bath Canning
*Pressure Cooker Canning

Light refreshments to follow!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

General Relief Society Meeting

For any of those who want to meet to carpool to the stake center meet at the church at  2:30
Service Project at 3:00
Dinner at 4:00
Broadcast begins at 5:00
 And ENJOY!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pulled Pork Reciepe

Carolina Pulled Pork

SERVES: 10  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  COOK TIME: 4 hours


  • 3lb. boneless pork shoulder
  • 1envelope Lipton® Recipe Secrets® Onion Soup Mix
  • 1/4cup ketchup
  • 1/2cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 3/4cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1Tbsp. hot pepper sauce
  • 1Tbsp. prepared mustard


Arrange pork in slow cooker. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over pork; turn to coat.
Cook covered on LOW 8 to 10 hours or HIGH 4 to 6 hours until pork is tender.
Remove pork; reserve juices. Shred pork with fork, then stir into reserved juices. Serve, if desired, on Kaiser rolls or hamburger buns.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Super Saturday

This Little Piggy is Going to Super Saturday…
And so should YOU!


Please join us
Saturday, September 10th at 9am to 1pm

Red Rock Ward’s Super Saturday
5 great mini classes followed by a delicious lunch!!!
This Little Piggy went to the Market:
Make your own scrubs and at-home pampering tips.

This Little Piggy stayed Home:
How to use power tools and refinish furniture.

This Little Piggy had Roast Beef:
Quick Cooking Tips.

This Little Piggy had None:
Filling up on the scriptures.

This Little Piggy cried Wee Wee Wee all the way home:
How to have cheap and more special dates.

* Lunch will be served at noon *

Thursday, August 25, 2011

RS Lesson August 21st

The Law of Chastity
Chapter 39, pg. 225

Parents have the obligation to teach their children the law of chastity, modesty, and about procreation.  Talk to children frankly but reverently, using correct names for body parts, so they will develop the proper attitudes toward their bodies.  Parents should not display embarassment or anxiety when doing so.  If children feel uncomfortable talking to their parents about the subject, they will turn to peers for information, which may be incorrect and not in harmony with gospel principles.

Adam and Eve were placed on this earth and commanded to multiply and replenish the earth.  They were married by God prior to receiving the instruction.  We are taught the only place sexual relations are to be engaged in are after marriage, and then only with our spouse.  This teaching is the law of chastity.  Prior to marriage, actions that arouse sexual desires are to be avoided.  This includes touching over clothing and passionate kissing.

Homosexual behavior is a serious sin.  Latter-day prophets have spoken about the dangers of homosexual behavior and about the Church's concern for people who may have such inclinations.  Most people have inclinations of one kind or another at various times.  If persons with homosexual inclinations do not act upon these inclinations, then they can go forward as do all other members of the Church.  We are to love them as sons and daughters of God.  We are to help them, assist them, and strengthen them.

Satan wants us to break the law of chastity to prevent us fron returning to live with our Heavenly Father.  We must guard ourselves against powerful influences.  Our children have experiences in school, with peers, that are much different than ours may have been.  Open communication is essential.  Required are modest dress and thoughts as well as actions that are pure.  President Gordon B. Hinkley said, "You live in a world of terrible temptations.  Pornograpy, with its sleezy filth, sweeps over the earth like a horrible engulfing tide.  It is poison.  Do not watch it or read it.  It will destroy you if you do.  It will take from you your self-respect.  It will rob you of a sense of the beauties of life.  It will tear you down and pull you into a slough of evil thoughts and possibly of evil actions.  Stay away from it.  Shun it as you would a foul disease, for it is just as deadly.  Be virtuous in thought and in deed.  God has planted in you, for a purpose, a divine urge which may be easily subverted to evil and destructive ends.  When you are young, do not get involved in steady dating.  When you reach an age where you think of marriage, then is the time to become so involved.  But you boys who are in high school don't need this, and neither do the girls."  (Ensign, Nov. 1997, 51).

Those who break the law of chastity are subject to Church discipline; however, they can be forgiven.  Peace comes only through forgiveness.  When a child is conceived out of wedlock, every effort should be made to encourage the couple to marry.  If this is not to be, counseling pertaining to adoption through LDS Family Services to ensure that the baby will be sealed to temple-worthy parents should occur.  Those who keep the law of chastity are greatly blessed.  Those who break the law of chastity can be forgiven.  Seek the counsel of your bishop.  Peace comes only through forgiveness.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sunday Lesson-August

Relief Society August 14, 2011

Lesson: Eternal Marriage
Chapter 38, pg 219

Marriage is ordained of God and is a vital part of God's plan.  Marriages are intended to last forever, not just until our mortal death.  Adam and Eve were married by God prior to the fall and death entering in this world.  Through the restoration of the gospel, eternal marriage was restored to the earth.

Eternal marriage is essential for exaltation.  Although most consider marriage to be a legal contract or social custom, Latter-day Saints recognize marriage as much more.  Our exaltation depends on marriage and remaining faithful in keeping our covenants.  We believe it is the most sacred relationship that can exist between a man and a woman.  It affects our happiness now and in the eternities.

Heavenly Father gave us the law of eternal marriage so we could become like Him.  In order to enter the highest order of the celestial kingdom, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood; although it may not occur in this life.

Eternal marriage must be performed by proper authority in the temple by one who holds the sealing power.  Temples are the only place this holy ordinance can be performed.  Those holding the sealing power were given the authority to perform this sacred ordinance.  That priesthood holder acts under the direction of the Lord and promises the couple the blessings of exaltation.  He instructs them in the things they must do to receive those blessings, and reminds them that all blessings depond on obedience to the laws of God.

There are many benefits of an eternal marriage.  We know our marriage can last forever.  We know that our family relationships can continue throughout eternity.  We are entitled to an outpouring of the Spirit on our marriage as we remain worthy.  We can live in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom of God.  We can be exalted as God is and receive a fulness of joy.

President Spencer W. Kimball  taught:  "Marriage is perhaps the most vital of all the decisions and has the most far-reaching effects, for it has to do not only with immediate happiness, but also with eternal joys.   It affects not only the two people involved, but also their families and particularly their children and their children's children down through the many generations.  In selecting a companion for life and for eternity, certainly the most careful planning and thinking and praying and fasting should be done to be sure that of all the decision, this one must not be wrong."  (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball [2006], 193).

Ways suggested in which we could strenghen our marriages included:  Serving each other, prayer, respect, loyalty, communication, time together, patience, value/esteem each other, forgiveness, partnership, tolerance, fun, friends, selflessness, intimacy, happiness.

No matter what our situation - married, unmarried, divorced, widowed, we must continue preparing for celestial glory

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ward Summer Social-This Saturday!!

                                    Saturday, August 13th 6pm at Ora Mae Harn Park
Bring your own meat to grill (and buns if necessary) plus a side dish to share.  Drinks, condiments and paper ware provided.

We will start with water balloons and and end the evening with the candy cannon. LOTS OF FUN!!!

You may want to bring chairs or blankets to relax on and enjoy ALL the FUN that we'll be had!!!

                                             HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE!!!

RS Sunday Lesson August 7, 2011


Our lesson focused on reverence.  The three areas discussed that would help us develope greater reverence were 1) Respect, 2) Humility, and 3) Gratitude.

When we think of our love for Heavenly Father, we will become more reverent.  Our deep respect will grow into love for Him.  As Latter Day Saints, we know more about Heavenly Father than many others.  We should therefore have greater love for Him.  We can show our love by making good choices, having better manners, and serving Him.  We should keep His commandments if we desire to increase our reverence.  Our love for Him is demonstrated by the kindness we show others, when we have a reverent attitude, and when we obey commandments understanding the purpose for doing so.  When we relinquish our will to do the Lord's will, we become more reverent.

Humility to change lends itself to submissiveness to the Lord's will.  Humility turns the switch of pride off.  Humility is a process.  We discover humility by thinking less about ourselves, not less of ourselves.  We must be submissive to what the Lord asks of us.

Gratitude for all Heavenly Father has blessed us with helps us become more reverent.

Testimonies of several sisters followed the lesson.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Relief Society Night

Last night we had our back to school Relief Society Night and I'm including a few links that where shared with us for FHE. (thank you Katie Earp) And if any of you need tips on hair cuts Jayna Jarvis is the lady to ask!! Thank you both for all the good info.!!
This are all good links to help you get a FHE night planned.
And for flannel board stories go to and of course you need treats so go to Disney family at

Sunday minutes

Relief Society
July 17, 2011

Family Responsibilities
Chapter 37, pg. 213

Husbands and wives share responsibilities in raising their children. Each person in the family has the responsibility to make their home a refuge from the temporal world. In 1995 the Church presidency issued a document titled, "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" (see Ensign, Nov. 1995). In it we learn essential responsibilities of parents and individuals. We are to work together to provide for the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical needs of the family.

Roles shared by parents include: teaching the gospel of faith, repentence and baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and how to pray. Parents should also teach not only the value of work but how to work. Both parents are responsible for discipline. They are to teach by example, create a home that is organized, and create an atmosphere of calm with a loving spirit.

We are not to give up when a child misbehaves, or strays from gospel principles. Fasting and prayer are important for a parent's spiritual guidance. The account in the Book of Mormon of Alma and his son Alma the Younger show how the prayers of a righteous parent can bring about mighty changes in the heart of a wayward child (Mosiah 27: 8-32).

Fathers can support the family by honoring their priesthood and interacting with their spouse in a loving way. They should value their spouse and her contributions. Their responsibilities include providing for the family. If both parents work outside the home, they do not relinquish their duty to provide. They are to protect, give blessings when sick, give father's blessings, play with their children, and set aside one-on-one time which may include counseling.

Mothers have the responsibility to nurture their children, teach, discipline in a loving manner, and support their husbands. She must teach them how to make thier home a pleasant place to be, and help them feel good about themselves.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Temple pages

These are the pages from the Temple night if you want to have them you can pull them off of this or ask Lynette to make you a copy.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

RS lesson June 26th

June 26, 2011 Relief Society Lesson

The Sabbath and the Sarament, Elder L. Tom Perry
May 2011 Ensign

The New Testament is a sacred volume and is the centerpiee of scrptural history,  just as the Savior should be the centerpiece of our lives.  We must commit ourselves to study it and treasure it.  In Paul's writings to Timothy, we read:  "These things command and teach...Be thou an example of the believers, in the work, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."  We are to be an example to others of our  beliefs.

Begining with the creationof the world, one day was set apart from all others.  "And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it.."  God rested from His labors on this day, and He expects HIs children to do the same.  He commanded the children of Israel: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy...  Six Days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord ty God...Wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it."  Our meals should be simple and require little Sabbath day preparation.  We should focus on things of a spiritual nature.  Exodus 16: 21-30 tells of the instruction given to the Israelites to collect two days worth of manna on the sixth day to sustain them on the sabbath.

Adam and Eve were instructed to observe the Sabbath.  On the eve of His crucifixion, Christ implimented the sacrament with his disciples.  He took bread, blessed it, gave it to the disciples and said, "Take eat; this is my body.  He took the cup, blessed it, and said,  "This is my blood of the the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins."  When He appeared on the American continent he introduced the sacrament.  Even during the dark periods of apostasy, this pattern of Sabbath day worship and the sacrament continued to be practiced in many forms.

When the gospel was restored, Peter, James, and John appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery; and under their direction the priesthood authority necessary to administer the sacrament to members of the Church was restored.  Young priesthood holders must be worthy to administer the sacrament by keeping the comandments and living gospel standards.

The sacrament is the center of our sabbath day observance.  We are to keep ourselves unspotted from the world; go to the house of prayer and offer up our sacraments; and rest from our labors.  We are to avoid worldly distractions.  Elder Melvin J. Ballard suggested: "We want every Latter-day Saint to come to the sacrament table because it is the place for self-investigation, for self-inspection, where we may learn to rectify our couse and to make right our own lives, bringing ourselves into harmony with the teaching of the Church and with our brethren and sisters."

Monday, June 20, 2011


Don't forget tomorrow's(June 21st) wonderful night all about temples at 6:30 at the chapel.
  If you want to learn more about family  history-
       *bring names to enter in to the system
       * Bring your member number(found on your recommend)
Nursery provided and a light treat. Hope to see you all there!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 21st-Temple Night

Come join us June 21st at 6:30 for a wonderful and Special night all about Temples. A light desert that evening too.
  *Nursery provided*

Relief Society Temple trip June 23rd

Friday, June 3, 2011

Chicken in Bulk

Zaycon Chicken Savings Event Now Open!
We want to let you know we'll be delivering our fantastically fresh, boneless, skinless chicken breasts in:

We're bringing this product straight from the farm, fresh to you, at an amazing price of $1.64/lb.

Log in to to decide when and where you want to pick up. Don't wait because we expect to sell out very quickly. The order deadline is June 8, or when the truckload is sold (whichever comes first).

Don't forget about our Referral Rewards Program:

Our Referral Rewards program is our way of saying thank you for sharing Zaycon Foods with other families.

How do I participate in the Referral Program:


Login and view the My Account section

Select "My Referrals"

You will see your Referral Name and a URL that you can copy to an email or post on your Facebook. When others click on this URL, they will be taken to the Zaycon Foods registration page, and your Referral Name will appear in the "Referred By" field. (If someone visits our site without using your URL, be sure they have your Referral Name so they can enter it manually.)

Once a customer has completed the registration process, you will receive a $1 credit, every time that customer participates in a Savings Event.

We created Zaycon Foods to help families save money on high-quality food products. We do this by combining the purchasing power of many families together. The greater our combined purchasing power, the larger the discounts we are able to negotiate on our wholesale purchases of high-quality fresh meat and other food products. Simply put, the more families we have working together, the more we all benefit with low prices. So for us, referrals really do matter.

Wishing you all the best,

Your friends at Zaycon Foods

Friday, May 27, 2011

New Blog

We started a new blog this month so mark it down and let me know if you have anything to add to it. And patience please as I get it up and running. thank you, Elizabeth

 Please don't forget we have our own missionaries, therefore more opportunities for us to help feed them. If you are available to help provide meals for them please sign up in any of the binders or call  Nicki Paddock 668-9818. Thank you!