Relief Society, November 4, 2012
Presidency Message: How Can I Become A More Effective Visiting Teacher?
Jesus Christ blessed individuals during his ministry.
Prophets throughout the history of the Church have expounded on the
obligation saints have to serve others and told of the blessings all
receive from that service. As Relief Society sisters visit those they
have been called to serve they should: a) speak words of comfort and
peace, b) carry the spirit of love into their homes, c) pray for them,
d) be their friend.
As we come to know those we serve we can learn of their
needs. Those may include temporal, health, emotional, spiritual, and
strengthen their testimony. We have the opportunity to rescue in any
way needed - pitch in!
Every sister has the opportunity to be a visiting teacher
and have a responsibility to know and care about their sisters. Those
we visit should feel comfortable enough to ask for assistance.
Caring/loving visiting teachers can help those who are inactive return
to the fold.
Reporting your visiting teaching during the month is
important for the Relief Society president and the bishop to know where
needs are. Call your supervisor. Do not wait for her to call you.
The bishop cannot take care of everyone individually. Visiting teaching is a stewardship.
Visiting teaching blesses us and blesses our ward!