Monday, July 30, 2012

Back to School Donations

We are collecting back to school supplies to donate to DI.  Please bring new items such as glue sticks, paper, notebooks, dry erase markers, pencils, pencil cases, etc and drop them off in the basket outside of the Relief Society room.  Donations will be accepted for the first couple of week of August. 

Ward Social

The Back to School ward picnic will be on Saturday, August 11, 2012 @ 6 PM.  Meet at Ora Mae Harn Park with your own meat to grill and a side dish or dessert to share.  There will be games and activities following dinner.  Please invite your friends and neighbors.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July Newsletter

July 2012             
13450 N Lon Adams, Marana
2012 Meeting times: *Sacrament: 9:00AM*Sunday School: 10:20AM*Relief Society: 11:10AM

 July Birthdays: Happy Birthday Sisters!

5 Julianne Borden
7 Nadia Rollins
10 Kyla Leeson
12 Connie White
16 Alyson Post
18 Ann Ferguson
19 Karen Eicholtz
19 Jessina Janes
19 Lindsey Rasmussen
23 Kara Galbrecht
26 Joyce Fadness
26 Betty Lou Monks
27 Sandy De Spain
27 Tawsha Dewey
28 Sherrye Williams
29 Jo Lynn Alexander

Relief Society Presidency
President: Roni White                         682-3464
1st Counselor: Julie Smith           206-715-5663
2nd Counselor: Lynette Michels        820-6379
Secretary: Lisa Wyman                        560-7411

 “Our fathers' God, to thee, author of liberty to thee we sing; long may our land be bright with freedom's holy light. Protect us by thy might, great God our King!"
My Country 'Tis of Thee by Samuel F. Smith

Chapel Reverence: Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles emphasized the need for reverence in our chapels: "Foyers are built into our meetinghouses to allow for the greeting and chatter that are typical of people to love one another. However, when we step into the chapel, we must - each of us must - watch ourselves lest we be guilty of intruding when someone is struggling to feel delicate spiritual communications..."

Mesa Arizona Temple: Regular Sessions: Tuesday – Saturday 7:00 am to 7:30 pm, every half  hour.

Relief Society Temple Trips: Temple trips are planned for the second Tuesday of each month. Next trip is June 10. Contact Pam Smith, 591-2453, for information.

West Stake Temple Recommend Interviews:  Fast Sunday 12-1 pm @ the Stake Center and Marana Bldg.; 3rd Wednesdays, 7-8 pm  @ the Marana Bldg.; Fourth Wednesdays 7-8 pm  @ the Stake Center.  Sunday Dress

To Feed the Missionaries: Sign up in the Missionary Dinner Calendar or call Sister Niki Paddock 668-9818  

Ward Choir: Meet each Sunday in the chapel at 8:15am

 Canning: No canning date for the Red Rock Ward in the month of July. The next session will be August 4, 2012.

Please report to your Visiting Teaching Supervisor by the last day of the month: 
Laurel Efu-Awich 344-9445,  Leanne Gainer 743-3830, Sue Houston 682-3167, Rocksie Morris 682-1158.