Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lesson Synopsis of 5/20/12

Relief Society, May 20, 2012

Teachings of Presidents of the Church, George Albert Smith, Chapter 8

Temple Blessings for Ourselves and Our Ancestors

The purpose of temples is to provide a place where holy ordinances are performed for the living and for the dead.  In 1905, as a new Apostle, George Albert Smith toured several Church history sites with President Joseph F. Smith and other members of the Quorum of the Twelve.  They visited the Kirtland, Ohio temple.  He said, "When we realized that the building was constructed by people in extreme poverty, how courageous men worked during the day to lay the foundations and build the walls of that structure, and then as night stood and defended it with weapons against those who had sworn that the building should never be completed, we could not help but feel that it was no wonder the Lord received their offerings and blessed them as few people have been blest upon the earth."

While dedicating the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple, he said, "We thank thee, O God, for sending Elijah the ancient prophet, to whom was committed the keys of the power of turning the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers, that the whole earth may not be smitten with a curse.  We thank thee that he was sent to thy servant, Joseph Smith, to confer the keys and authority of the work for the dead, and to reveal that the plan of salvation embraces the whole of the human family, that the gospel is universal in scope, and that thou art no respecter of persons, having provided for the preaching of the gospel of salvation to both the living and the dead.  We are most grateful unto thee that salvation is provided for all who desire to be saved in thy kingdom.  May it be pleasing to thy people to search out the genealogy of their forebears that they may become saviors on Mt. Zion by officiating in thy temples for their kindred dead.  We pray also that the spirit of Elijah may  rest mightily upon all peoples everywhere that they may be moved upon to gather and make available the genealogy of their ancestors; and that thy faithful children may utilize thy holy temples in which to perform on behalf of the dead all ordinances pertaining to their eternal exaltation."

In the temple we receive sacred ordinances, including ordinances that bind families for eternity.  There are only a few places in the world where we can be married for eternity, and that is in the temples of God.  In the temples we make eternal blessings available to our deceased ancestors, and the Lord will assist us in searching for our kindred dead.

Ways we are able to teach our children about the temple include going to the visitors' center and temple grounds, displaying temple pictures in our homes, working on our family history, and having them perform temple baptisms when they are of age.

It is our privilege and blessing to attend the temple and perform ordinances for our kindred dead.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Links for Summer Activities

Here are some of the links for the information shared on Tuesday night.

Info about the movie, reading, and bowling programs can be found at on the May 14th post.

Info about summer art and sports camps through Town of Marana:

Info about swim lessons at the high school: